
  1. México-India,  “Development of efficient many-objective optimization techniques with parallel computing and objective reduction” (Ref. J000.0378): 2009-2010  Financial institution: CONACyT. Coordinator: Dr. Carlos A. Coello Coello.
  2. Dr. Carlos A. Coello Coello maintains a collaboration with Universidad Shinshu,  Japan.  Antonio López Jaimes (PhD student of Dr. Coello) did two scientific visits during 2010, financed by that university.
  3. México-Chile,  “Estrategias para la selección de componentes de algoritmos bio-inspirados” (Ref. 147836): 2011-2012. Financial institution: CONACyT. Coordinator: Dr. Carlos A. Coello Coello.
  4. México-Alemania, titulado “Multiobjective Control Base on Averaged Hausdorff Measure” (Ref. 146776): 2011-2012. Financial institution: CONACyT. Coordinator: Dr. Oliver Schütze.
